Kirk douglas's poem

In this fim Kirk Douglas quotes a long poem about horses that live in the sea. I've been trying to find a copy of it . Was it a published poem or was it specially written for the film. Pamela


If you care anymore it was part of the script. Look up the script if it exists anywhere.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Thanks for the information .


I would love to get this poem too. Did you find it Pamela? does someone know where I could find the script? Thanks in advance.


Sorry, I couldn't find any more information about the poem. I got a copy of the novel and it's not in there. It might have been written specially for the film.The script writer is Dalton Trumbo I know Kirk Douglas has written poetry himself ,but I can't trace it to him.


Hey, thanks for the answer. If I can't get my hands on it I'll probably end up writing it directly from the movie... I have fond memories of this scene.


Find yourself a nice, big boulder with the waves breaking against it.
Look deep. Dream of seahorses and they'll come. Not many people know of it;

not many people care,
but the sea is a place where the seamen shoe the hooves of the wild sea mare.

Not many men have seen it or caught the faintest gleam of the ice green cave in the deep green sea in the heart of the cold sea stream,
but the sea mare hides her young sea colt wrapped in a shy sea dream.

But probably all the people know and can absolutely say
that the foam on the sea is the sign that you see the mare and her colt at play.

Very good film.
