Not funny

I never understood what was supposed to be funny about Lewis. Even as a kid, I hated him. Rewatching it now, I still don't understand. Sketchy scenario,
always the same faces and shoutings. What do you find funny about it?


why pick on this movie for this post? this is the most innovative thing he made.


It kinda says something then because this movie is god awful. It has some interesting cinematography but apart from that it's so terribly unfunny I crinched from beginning to end. I haven't seen much of Lewis so I don't have too much to compare to but this movie is a 1/10 for me so I'm probably gonna skip the rest.


I agree that this movie is the pits but generally I love Jerry Lewis and find him extremely funny, albeit that he overdoes some of his trademark mannerisms at times. But with this particular movie I can't imagine what he was thinking.


I watched this last night for nostalgia reasons. Simply because I was 6 when it was in my neighborhood theater, and I wanted to picture people going to see it in 1961.

I didn't think it was funny at all. I used to love Jerry Lewis as a kid, but this movie wasn't even a kids movie.

I did love the set design of the house and all 3 floors visible like that.

