Stupid kid.

I'm sorry, but a ten-year-old would know better than to ask someone he just met to take him across the ocean. He annoyed me.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


He was very sheltered and the only people he knew were those who loved and protected him and he wouldn't know there was any evil in the world. Consequently he would be very trusting. Fortunately for him, nothing bad befell him.


I believe it is also meant as a poignant moment in which the innermost desires of the father to visit the sea were shared by the son, even though they never knew each other.

"Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind."


I agree...that kid annoyed the hell out of me.



Yes...that child just annoyed me in general.


Several people have said the kid annoyed them. But, I have just the opposite opinion. I thought the kid was great. Also, how in the world did they find a kid that looked so much like he really could be Marius's son?


I didn't find the kid annoying at all. I actually thought he did a great job. We agree on that but I didn't think he looked that much like Marius. They both had dark features but that's about all I saw as far as similarities.


That's really unfair to the child. You do realize he didn't write the script, right? The person whose behavior bothered me is the grandmother. I know she didn't write the script either but her actions and inattentiveness are what led to Cesario being left in a vulnerable position.

I found his scene at the docks completely believable. Cesario didn't ask a stranger to take him across the ocean, he 'stumbled' into it. This is what can happen with kids. They are innocent and curious. Those are great qualities but terrible people target and take advantage of them due to those traits.

In the movie Cesario's curiosity led him to explore the boats. Being focused on something that interests them, kids can block everything else out and may not notice they're getting lost or being targeted.

While at the boats, the over-eager, not-completely sane 'Admiral' runs into him and befriends him. While he wasn't trying to harm the child, his desire to 'help' him, put the child at risk. This is why kids have to be taught to know what can happen to them even when they put their trust and safety in the hands of people they don't know.

Kids need to be supervised for a reason. When parents or guardians fail to do that, they are to blame for what happens. The grandmother was totally at fault.
