MovieChat Forums > El Cid (1961) Discussion > New Recording of the COMPLETE SCORE comi...

New Recording of the COMPLETE SCORE coming soon !!!

For those who love EL CID, or Miklos Rozsa, or classic film music in general, there is excellent news. Three weeks ago the complete score, including all the missing cues that were not used by Mann in the film, was recorded for Tadlow Music, under the baton of Nic Raine, conducting the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (13 & 14 March 2008).

It will be released later this year in a deluxe 3-CD set.

Go to YouTube and type in the search, “Rozsa - EL CID - Music from recording sessions.” The glimpse of the recording session is an amazing piece of video.


Thanks for the tip! Just watched this today, and the score swept me away.

"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whiskey, and 14 karat gold?"


Great News, but too bad it comes out at the same time as Charleton Heston rides out of movie history into movie legend.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


Very nice guy, but he's not the most faithful of conductors and often is too laid back on the tempo. There haven't been any satisfactory re-recordings of Rozsa for a couple of decades because most conductors just don't go all-out with the bold romanticism and can only deliver the more restrained cues satisfactorily. Even Bruce Broughton's re-recording of Ivanhoe feels desperately half-hearted, as if he's embarrassed at the richness of the material and is trying to reign it in to modern sensibilities.

"This time it's no more Mr. Passive Resistance!"


That may or may not be so, but you've got to be a bit grateful that he has at least taken the trouble to try to reconstruct the missing cues that were recorded by Rozsa but which, unbelievably, were omitted from the final cut of the film - such as the music underscoring Ben Yussef's opening speech to the Moorish military leaders. Only the last few moments of that survive in the film.

From what I understand, Rozsa wrote an almost wall-to-wall score. No wonder it will take three CDs!


Cool, thanks for letting us know.


"For those who love EL CID, or Miklos Rozsa, or classic film music in general, there is excellent news. Three weeks ago the complete score, including all the missing cues that were not used by Mann in the film, was recorded for Tadlow Music, under the baton of Nic Raine, conducting the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (13 & 14 March 2008)."

It's here!!!

Go to

Awesome . . .


Got it and heard it throughout yesterday except CD 3 [which is mainly alternates and some music from Double Indemnity]. It's FANTASTIC, truly exhilirating stuff and with loads of unheard music. I would say that a few pieces are actually too FAST rather than too slow, but that's the only flaw I noticed.


I just got it today


oh Miklos...

"Why would they want the Duke's...son killed?"
