MovieChat Forums > The Children's Hour (1961) Discussion > Which character has the best role as an ...

Which character has the best role as an actress?

Between Audrey Hepburn as Karen, Shirley MacClain as Martha, the young girl Mary, her grandmother Mrs. Tilford, and Martha's aunt, which character do you think has the "best" role as an actress? I think they are all "important" roles, but which one do you think is the "best" part?



Slightly confused by your question, but I think best role would be Martha for an actress. Troubled, confused, anger, hate; her character had everything. Excellent film BTW, watched it today.



good point


I bought this film, I loved it so much. I'm also taking the role of Martha Dobie to a theatre competition in two weeks.

I definitely find that Martha is the best role...for all of the reasons you listed there, friend. :) Apart from what you said, though, I relate very closely to Martha...she breaks my heart. Shirley Maclaine was outstanding in this role. All of that pain, self-hatred, guilt and at the same time, she is who she is and loves Karen....I've been there. I have been on that same I feel I am Martha in many ways. Or used to be. Makes me cry, just thinking about the fact that she hangs herself in the end. Of course, in the play she shoots herself..which is much more gruesome..but it's done off-stage, so..but still more effective, I think. I don't know, either's Martha hands down for me. She is the one most deeply and consequentially affected by everything, I think. She is the most destroyed and heart-breaking character. Also the most difficult to play, in my opinion.

~*~La Vie N'Existe Pas Sans L'Amour~*~



Definitely Martha.



i personally would choose karen as my preferred character to portray in this movie or the play. i am playing karen in a scene from the play in a theatre competition in a couple weeks, and for me, she goes through A LOT!! her life is ruined by an untrue rumor, and she loses her fiance and best friend due to other people's bigotry and hatred. karen is the one who has to live with all this pressure for the rest of her life, and i think she undergoes a HUGE transformation throughout the duration of the play/movie, just by experiencing the persecution of homosexuals firsthand.


I took the confession scene to competition and played Martha...we actually made it through to the Finals round ! :) It was a great honour to portray Martha Dobie....

~*~"I came up from the dark without you, and every day since has been in shadow.~*~


Mrs. Tilford was the best, beside Dr. Joe Cardin and Rosalie Wells remarkable. Karen is good, Shirley MacClain was unbelievable perfect. Beside she was really beatiful in young. Luckily i didn't miss this movie.


For me, it was Audrey Hepburn. I saw this movie for the first time in 2022. Without Hepburn, I would have never known that this movie even existed
