MovieChat Forums > The Children's Hour (1961) Discussion > If you were casting the film now...

If you were casting the film now...

A friend and I have been having a conversation over the last couple of days about a remake of this film and wondering who would play all the different roles. So who would you cast? Or would you even remake it at all?
(Personally I'd like to see a remake that kept more closely to the original play in the final third of the storyline, but that's mostly because I'm particular about things like that!)

And if you're interested in reading my thoughts on the play and film, here's the link to where we're having the discussion:

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Oddly enough I'd say that the actresses that might be interesting for the role would be Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. They both look kind of similar to the characters here and both co-stared in Bride Wars. I think Anne Hathaway is like Audrey Hepburn in terms of playing sweet, intelligent characters and Kate Hudson can pull off acting roles that have subtle undertones. It would be a nice change since both have a lot of talent but have chose some roles that are in forgettable romantic comedy roles (like Bride Wars XD ) and if they did a movie like this it would be interesting.


No "big name" actresses today could do a better job than McClaine & Hepburn did in this classic version (McClaine in particular was very powerful and believable.) Hollywood, leave this one off the "remake" list, please!


Michelle Williams + Natalie Portmam... obvious choices.

I'd throw in Amy Adams as well.



Oh..that would be good. Jennifer Goodwin might be interesting..somewhere in there...too. Is the actual play a different outcome? I thought it had to end this way because of the 'morals'..of that movie age.


Yes, Mclaine and Hepburn are too powerful to the modern actresses.


I would cast a real actor for Mary because that kid was horrible and considering the talent surrounding her and the part she had to play, it ruined a lot of scenes. They should have had Veronica Cartwright play her part instead.

Now if the movie was made today, considering the way society evolved, it would make more sense to cast women in their 30ies than the 20-something people have mentioned in this thread.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


For me, I hope hollywood never make a remake of this film, cause it will be a shame to destroy such a play with hollywood way of thinking. Plus, for me I think the black and white is perfect for the movie cause there's a lot of beautiful beautiful images and the colour will ruin everything. But, if they do make a remake well, maybe Angelina Jolie could play Karen and Michelle Williams could play Martha. AND Shirley Maclaine could be Martha's aunt or well Mary's Grand Ma

"Tout ce qui monte redescend" Gab


Anne Hathaway & Amy Adams is the ticket.



Anne Hathaway and Scar-Jo.

But I wouldn't remake it.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Anne Hathaway and Scar-Jo.

But I wouldn't remake it.

Not a fan of remakes but some have worked, especially when tight, literary kind. B/w original can stand color remake w/o impacting the overall tone.
The Fugitive Kind (Brando) also fits in this catergory of possibles. But in
general this type of filmmaking can stand on its own.
I was surprised Cape Fear came out well enough but wouldn't want to see Baby the Rain Must Fall level of film as a remake.
Nice picks for TCH. James Garner guy role has lot to pick from too. Couple
of those Australian dudes or 'Mercian ones have the everyman character.


I would put Jessica Chastain in Hepburn's role and Michelle Williams in Maclaine's. With perhaps Christian Bale in the doctor's role.


This is actually one of the few classic films I think could really merit from a remake. I'd cast Rosamund Pike and Naomi Harris, and Tom Hiddleston as the doctor.

"Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes."
