MovieChat Forums > The Children's Hour (1961) Discussion > My view on Martha--on personal inside lo...

My view on Martha--on personal inside look

I love this movie and story! I so much related to the character of Martha. I love how this movie shows shows what a lie and rumor can do to people. My view on Martha and whether she was gay or not goes like this--she wasn't.

I say this because I can relate so much to these two women in the sense of this subject. People have always assumed I was gay. They teased, bullied and made my life hell because they were dead certain I was. People would tell people I told them I was and then that would get passed around and it doesn't matter if it was at school, work, church, neighborhood...whatever! People always assumed and have always been jerks about it. Well, after your life has been through so much, you begin to wonder if they're right. If they see something in you you never saw before. You also wish that it were true so that life could have a conclusion and it could all end (though ending for Martha wouldn't have been an was the 60's!)

I am a very devoted person when it comes to friendships. Because of my past, I never really had guy friends because people would make fun of them for being kind to me and also guys assumed if I spoke to them it meant I wanted to get in their pants. I have had a few male friends and for whatever reason (they moved/I moved) they have come and gone, but they were true friends and I can honestly say I loved them...but not in a sexual way. I would want to spend time with them and if someone else came into the mix I would be upset because it meant we couldn't hang out together. Everything was harmless and of course people would twist things. "No, I think you enjoy spending time with him because you're gay. You need to accept that in yourself." FALSE people. I know me.

That's why I feel Martha was not gay. She was a woman who was very much focused on getting the school off the ground and having it be successful and it seemed that the vast weight of the issues were on her least she made it that way. She worried greatly about making sure they were going to be successful and then Karen was engaged and what if she left and then everything just was her livelihood at stake. Not to mention she was close to Karen and business partners. She loved her in a non-sexual way and those innocent facts in her life were twisted and made into something they weren't and when they lost everything and couldn't win despite the truth, she blamed herself and began to believe the lies (I myself would believe them at times but then meet a girl I liked and all was well...till another jerk came around and kept harassing me) and ultimately they cost her her life. Just think, most of the evidence used was from what HER aunt said about HER. She felt more to blame.




Your post was interesting and I enjoyed hearing another point of view.

I hope you have great friends, because you seem like you are a great friend.

