Number 2!

Must have hit JUST the right number of votes because Beast of Yucca Flats just beat out Future War for the #2 spot of worst movies of all time.

Now there are MSTs all in the 1, 2 and 3 spots. From Justin to Kelly is knocked back.

I have to admit that this is not only one of the worst movies of all time, but also an almost painful MST (as was Manos). This movie DEFINATELY deserves the spot it just recieved.


#2?!?! Come on guys, let's get this movie to its deserved spot in movie history!

Vote 1's over and over again (which obviously stands for first place)!

...I do too have a life!

Proud Yucca: Touch a button...things happen.


WOW. I don't think I've ever had so much fun making fun of a film... The way they hid the actor's heads as they talked...the way that the "Beast" just looked like a big fat bald white guy with psoriasis...the way he gently choked them to a peaceful's just so bad it's actually worth watching. The scene where the sheriff goes up in the plane and starts shooting at the poor dad trying to find his kids...that sent this movie over the top for me. If you're ever drunk with a group of friends, this is also the perfect movie to insert your own dialogue! Hell, I'd say that even though I voted this turd as a "1" I'd have to say it's a "10" in fun! :::cough, cough::::sarcasim::::cough::::cough


This movie deserves to be number 1. This is one of the movies that are dull, stupid and painful to watch at the same time. Extremely wacky(or just sad) narrative is the last nail to the coffin.


Flag on the moon. How did it get there?


What intrigues me about themovie is the opening scene, where the girl is getting out of the shower, sits ont he bed, and looks up to see the Beast (or just his hands) approaching her. Not only does she register no expression at all as he attacks and strangles her, but then the beast obviously mounts and rapes the corpse.

Now, aside form being a fascinating window into Coleman Francis's mind--When the heck did this scene take place? Chronologically, it occurs before Tor becomes the Beast. If this is kind of a flash-forward, then why isn't this even mentioned at any other time in the movie? Not to mention that the Beast is never seen to be anywhere near any human habitats.

BAsed on this movie alone, I would nominate it to the pantheon of bad films. Its position is cemented, of course, by Francis's opaque and pretentious pronouncements, which easily outrank anything Ed Wood ever put on celluloid.


Obviously, none of you have ever seen blood freak. This IS the movie that would have broken Joel, Mike and the 'bots.


YES! Blood Freak was incredible. I especially liked the TURKEY gobble, even though he was a chicken. And the coughing guy in the end. That was really weird.


this is bad but its not even the worst movie in the horror pack. with such classics as creature from the haunted sea and atom age vampire, im amazed this made the top fifty, or bottom if you will. raaaarrrr an old dude without teeth trying to talk with peanutbutter in his mouth.


The Beast of Yucca Flats is not even the worst Coleman Francis film. That would have to be Red Zone Cuba, a movie that makes Blood Freak look like Casablanca!


"Number 2"? Couldn't agree more. That's what all of Coleman Francis' films were. And lots of it!


Watched this last night. An absolute masterpiece. My favourite scene was when Tor got angry and threw a rock and said "rrraahh".

It's not as bad as Mesa Of Lost Women though!

"People think I have an interesting walk. Hell, I'm just trying to hold my gut in."


I want to know who gave this movie a 10.



My bad; I thot this was an Ed Wood Masterpieceofcrap.
