MovieChat Forums > Atlantis: The Lost Continent (1961) Discussion > An allegory of Nazi Germany and of us?

An allegory of Nazi Germany and of us?

Of course it is fictional. I tend to reject the idea of some "lost continent" in front of Western Europe with an advanced civilization, that never existed, called "Atlantis". Is all phony balony. But the movie, while somewhat flawed, is not entirely bad. I like it very much, despite some shortcomings. And the story is familiar for me. A supposed civilization that went well advanced in scientific knowledge, yet became decadent, corrupt, brutal and dehumanizing. And finally it is either destroyed by itself, or by war or by nature. Nazi Germany comes to my mind. Germany was well advanced in intellectual, social and scietific knowledge. Kindergarten, education for small children, started there. Also Einstein came up with his relativity theory. Had Marx, Hegel and Schopenhauer. Yet Germany fell into the evilness of nazism under Hitler, and was destroyed by war. And us, quite advanced, is falling into decadent religiosity, raw capitalism and wishing more wars for our market economy. And our end is not that far off in the future. Isn't this movie a "warning" of the danger of arrogant and decadent knowledge that becomes evil in any advanced civilization?


I don't see the connection. The nationalist socialist party came to power in Germany by rigging elections and intimidating and brutalizing the opposition. Germany was already recovering economically from her punitive straw after the first world war, but the nationalist socialist party zoomed in and took credit for it, and further capitalized on it.

Atlantis was said to have been a united kingdom with one high king. The film shows the leadership ignoring scientific evidence that would have saved the people.

So I'm not sure what kind of parallel you're drawing.


jsrrtzjr10; We can only hope you neither breed or vote for that is one of the most specious interpretations of History that can be imagined.
