millie is annoying

so loud and obnoxious


Ha! Your opinion, but I love Millie. I think she was one of the funniest characters on the show. She was a good friend to Laura. She rushed over whenever Laura had one of her emergencies or problems with Rob. She babysat Ritchie all the time and never sent her kids over for Laura to watch.

She was straightforward and didn't break down in tears and cry, "Oh, Jerry" the way Laura whined her familiar , "Ohhh, Rob!"

I thought Millie was hilarious and a great friend for a very needy Laura.


purple with the goods. I liked her too. It was a tricky part and she handled it flawlessly.


And sometimes that's the way the role is intended to be. I didn't find her loud and obnoxious. I always thought of her as a bit scatter-brained and easily panicked, which was funny. Ann Morgan Guilbert was great in the role.



Yes, she's annoying, isn't it splendid?

I mean, she's the perfect friend for Laura - she's backstabby and gossipy, but loyal to Laura, always ready to listen to her, and even ready to dig out the truth forcefully.

She's also ugly and short-haired, so she makes the perfect contrast, underlining the gorgeousness of Mary. It's very common that good-looking girls and women have ugly friends so they can level up their beauty because of the contrast.

She has a bit of obnoxious personality, but that only serves to be funny, and she can be surprisingly dramatic at times. The actress is also perfect for the role, I can't say I enjoy her, but sometimes it's fun to watch them try to solve some problem together or scheme something, like that 'bleaching of Laura's hair' stuff, that Laura took way too seriously - why would Rob care one way or another, it might be a fun change, and it'd be temporary anyway, so even at the worst case-scenario, it'd just be a mild dislike of the style for a short while, then everything is back to normal.

I have to say, I absolutely love Laura's hairstyle in the show, it always look curvy, feminine, and accentuates her facial elegance in the most adorable way possible.


I don't think she was ugly at all, maybe not stunning, but she was cute. And she had a nice figure with a very tiny waistline that looked good in those full skirted dresses that she often wore.

Did you know that Ann Gilbert and a lot of the cast (Not Dick van Dyke though) often wore their own clothes on the show. She said that the show was pretty frugal. Aside from getting them special outfits when the characters had to be "dressed up fancy", the cast brought their own clothes from home, like MTM's form fitting wool slacks which terrified the sponsors at first.


Laura's helmet hair. Should have had a "Bell" sticker on the front. She almost single-headedly supported the hairspray industry. No ill wind on earth could have mussed that bulletproof coif.


LOL My dad used to refer to my mom's "helmet hair". It was the usual thing for women to go to the hairdresser and get their hair "done", that is, done for the week! It was convenient because it stayed in place with a minimum of fuss (and a can of hairspray).

I hate that sort of hairdo, i.e., spraying and teasing and spraying in place. I never go to hairdressers. It probably looks it, but I prefer a natural look.


Natural is best, but shellacked was the style back in those days. I'd like to have tossed Laura in a pool just to see her with unpoofed hair.
