MovieChat Forums > The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961) Discussion > Did Sid Ceaser have a Mel Cooley?

Did Sid Ceaser have a Mel Cooley?

I was just wondering if Mel was based on a particular person.


While you're waiting for somebody who's "in the know" to fill in your inquiry, I'd like to share something that the Alan / Mel relationship might be partially based upon:

I've heard that the Sammy Hogarth character, as masterfully portrayed by Mickey Rooney, was based on Red Buttons; perhaps Alan Brady is also inspired by Buttons, or maybe even Sid Caesar, but my gut feeling is that Alan is more likely a composite of "all of the above" -- Buttons, Caesar, Berle, Gleason and many other comics who had the reputation of being difficult men to work with and for when the cameras weren't rolling.

(On another note, the fact that Sammy Hogarth's brother / producer / toady is played by one MEL Torme might lend some credence to the theory that MEL Cooley is patterned after Torme's character.)

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