Carl Reiner's Voice-Over

Carl Reiner sang the ridiculous lyrics to the 'hit show' that everyone hated at the end of 'Love Thy Other Neighbor'. You can also hear him do a fast talk car salesman on TV when Rob is waiting for Citizen Kane to come on the night before he gets arrested at his army buddy's strip joint. I'll bet there's a lot of other Reiner sound bites that that I missed. Of course he had two wonderful roles, as a egotistical Russian painter who painted Laura nude and as a phony double-talking professor at Henry Walden's fund raiser.


Reiner could act AND write. Both the painter and the Intellectual were great characters done by Reiner. I think the great acting in good sit-coms sometimes gets overlooked.


The professor's double-talk was a salute to Sid Caesar and 'Show of Shows'. It was his own stupid idea to just show the back of Alan Brady's head for the first few years. In Baby Fat and especially in the bald-scene with Laura.... he was 'all there' and funnier than anyone.


He made Alan Brady a really compelling character--scary/brilliant. He was mean, but not Gale Gordon mean. Reiner was far more interesting.

He also played 'Willie Cook'--the street poet who befriended Stacy Petrie.


I COMPLETELY forgot about that Stacey's coffeehouse episode. Thanks so much, I will watch that when I take my lunch break!


I hoped you liked it. And there was a good poem in the Father Joe Coogan episode, which is credited to Reiner as the writer.


I love the Joe Coogan episode.... especially Sally's reaction when she meets him!

How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.


Father Coogan is the kind of handsome priest that Catholic girls in Catholic school used to call Father "What-a-Waste".


Thanks! Just saw it again and was sorry that Reiner didn't have more lines! The real treat for me was the inimitable and delicious Herbie Faye as the supreme 'Jewish Fatalist Comedian' who had known 'The Coffee Pot' in all its incarnations. Herbie Faye was a great friend of Carl Reiner and was particularly outstanding as the sandwich cart guy, the lost and found guy when they lost the script and one of the '12 angry men'. He totally cracks me up and should have been a weekly regular as the sandwich cart guy.


Didn't Jamie Farr also play a wise-cracking sandwich cart guy on the show?

Secret Message, HERE!--->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


The episode where Laura is a dancer on the show for a week, Jamie Farr was the sandwich cart guy and leers at Laura in her dancer get up making Rob mad.


"Nobody knows!"
