MovieChat Forums > The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961) Discussion > Laura Petrie's Famous Avocado-Peanut But...

Laura Petrie's Famous Avocado-Peanut Butter Dip

Laura Petrie's Famous Avocado-Peanut Butter Dip
(this can be made in quantities, but I wouldn't recommend it)

1 Large Avocado (pitted and mashed)
1 Tablespoon of Creamy Peanut Butter
1/4 teaspoon Yellow Mustard
1 Dash of Cayenne Pepper (this recipe is bordering on a health cleanse)
1 teaspoon Honey
Juice of 1 Lemon
Salt & Pepper to taste (although the taste is not going to get any better, trust me)

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Serve with Corn Curlies, Wheat Whippies, Peanut Pippies, and/or Potato Poopies. You are more than welcome to adjust the amounts and play with other ingredients but, as I said, it's never going to be good. Looks like baby poo.


Hey, with the free floor show that guests typically get at Petrie parties, she could get away with serving anything.


Is it really that bad??

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


It's not great.


Are you sure you didn't leave out the mustard?


Well, if you think about it (texture aside) it really wouldn’t taste all that great to start with. Peanut butter, honey, and a small amount of mustard might be alright, but adding mashed avocado would pretty well wash out any pleasant taste based on the ingredient amounts. (The lemon juice is there to help avoid Technicolor avocado, not much else.)


Thanks for the recipe. I may try it! I love avocados and peanut butter. But I don't know where to be buy corn curlies, wheat whippies or potato poopies,etc.😂
