Time for a Sequel

If Star Trek can do it, why not Village of the Damned?

The eyes left the body did they not?
It's time to find out where they went to?

X-files, perhaps?


I'm watching Village of the Damned and all of a sudden reminded of the character on Flash Forward who is going to be pregnant and didn't have sex. It will be interesting if other women on the show are suddenly pregnant too. ( I quit watching after only two episodes because I have a feeling it will string us along like Lost).


Um....there was? Children of the Damned? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056931/ While not a direct sequel as it does not include the original group of children, it is still a sequel. Unless you meant the 1995 remake version.


I wouldn't mind another sequel.


I rented a DVD box set with VOTD and the sequel from 1963, Children Of The Damned (which was actually really good). As far as a modern sequel goes, I think Steven King's: Children Of The Corn is an indirect rip-off.
