Moon Landing Hoax

Something I thought about while watching this today: conspiracy theorists who think NASA shot the Apollo moon landings in Hollywood somewhere must have not watched any of the moon landing films Hollywood did produce, and which give an idea of the technical capabilities of the day and the level of knowledge about the science involved. It's not that they consistently got the facts wrong, it's that they got them spectacularly wrong. (Okay, sometimes that was in the service of drama, but just as often, they just bungled it.)

And you can't say it's because of their low budgets. 2001 was a large budget production, had a stickler for detail like Stanley Kubrick at the helm, SF writer Arthur C. Clark by his side, and they still didn't get it quite right...


2001 wasnt trying to portray it realistically. there were a few movies made couple years later that very wery scientific about it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I think Kubrick was trying to make the visuals as realistic as possible. The story is very symbolic, not realistic however.



Misinformed gullible conspiracy nutcase (snicker)
