Genocidal maniac

Based on a brief period of Victorian era experience, it seems to me that good old George went tens of thousands of years onto the future and made a decision to exterminate a whole period of social and environmental evolution.
He then buggered off before having to live with the consequences.
A bit like Brexit voters, but that's another story..


The movie makes it clear that Eloi are being killed by Morlocks for food. One could then argue that the greater good was served, and more Eloi lives were ultimately saved than Morlock lives ended.

He also may have thought that he was brought there by fate or providence for that reason. And as the story's audience, we can't say that providence isn't part of the story.
The story is king.


George responsible for Brexit and taking Eloi off the menu? That's 2 good deeds for the day! 💃🙌

Luke Skywalker, your Mom was hawt! Darth Vader


Don't be such a spoilsport - he liberated the goodies from the baddies. Much more fun like that.

Free your mind and the rest will follow


So by your logic, if one could time travel to the 1940s and had the opportunity to interrupt the Nazi Holocaust, one should not do so, as he would be interrupting the 'social and environmental evolution' that had developed to that point?

No, he saw what appeared to be heinous acts being perpetrated by one group of people onto another, and thought the most honorable thing to do was to try to help those being victimized.
