Mel Brooks?

As I watched the film I was startled during the scene when Naomi and Ruth arrive at the Judah oasis to see all the death. Then two riders drag a Moabite soldier onto the scene. The solder has quite a few lines and is not credited in the cast. I rewound the scene because I thought I caught a familiar voice. The character looked like a youngish Mell Brooks and sounded like him too. This film was done in 1960, the year Mel Brooks went to Hollywood. I wonder if he picked up the brief role through his contacts in the industry, and also, I guess, was it him? The death drop of the soldier did seem as if it came out of schtick routines and was quite comical in nature as if the solder was saying through his actions, "I'm dead now. throw myself to the ground."


The voice of the actor is similar to the voice of Mel Brooks, but it is not him. Photo's of a young Mel Brooks can be found online and he looked very different when he was younger.
