Is this movie a tragedy?

I've never read the book, and I hate sad endings. Can someone tell me whether this movie ends sadly or happily? I know there's drama about the relationship between Paul and his mother, and this could easily lead to a tragic ending. So I'm wary about watching it (sad endings depress me), unless I know it ends happily, or at least not tragically. Any information would be very much appreciated.




I've never read the book, and I hate sad endings. Can someone tell me whether this movie ends sadly or happily? I know there's drama about the relationship between Paul and his mother, and this could easily lead to a tragic ending. So I'm wary about watching it (sad endings depress me), unless I know it ends happily, or at least not tragically. Any information would be very much appreciated.

Don't watch this movie.

The film has a hollow ending in a melancholic sort of way. The story explores the spiritual and physical aspects of relationships leaving the soul alone to ponder.

For the record, I rate this film 9/10.


Thanks for your frank reply. I appreciate it.

"It's a crazy world."
"Someone oughta sell tickets."
"Sure, I'd buy one."
