You F'in B******s!

I'm sure the captain of the Sheffield mouthed this after he was being torpedoed accidentally by his own planes, about one hour and ten minutes in...

"...La double-cross!"


Yeah, I saw that and I couldn't believe it! I thought, 'I must be wrong', but if you saw it too, I guess I was right.


Just as well the British Board of Film Censors couldn't lip read or that scene would definitely have been cut.


I just happened to turn to this film on FXX coming in at this very scene. To me it appeared the Captain was mouthing the words "You goddamn bastards". I expect it will be rebroadcast several times this month and I'll try to catch it again to clarify this scene. Either way it's a very good touch of realism.

I certainly agree that for a film of this era this scene greatly stretched the envelope. There is precedent though. In the original silent-era version of "What Price Glory", lip-readers could see Flagg and Quirt argue with language Marines might use.

From the IMDB trivia section on that film: "In the argument between Sergeant Quirt and Captain Flagg, the actors actually swore at each other. Hundreds of complaint letters were received by Fox by angry lip-readers who recognized the words."


I'm usually not very good at reading lips, but before the Sheffield captain says F'in B******s I believe the first word is "miserable". Try looking at it a few times..see if you agree.:-)


Just seen it as and looks like 'stupid b******s'

The would probably make more sense too as they were stupid to have attacked the wrong ship.

I doubt it slipped by the censors as the extreme close up on the captains face and no sound was very deliberate.


I think it's "You stupid, *beep* b******s!"

In my review I say this is a great film if you can lip read. If you know any deaf people if might be worth asking their opinion.


It was 1960. Foul language in movies was just on the cusp of being introduced. Perhaps the sweary lip-reading was the thin end of the wedge?


I'm not sure about the "You", I am sure about the "stupid *beep* b******s"...


it's not f- word he's said,
he would use teeths it's more like m- or b-

b*st*r*s he said for sure though


Even now, 70+ years on, we still can't use the word, "bastards" without a lot of asterisks being inserted.
