Deliberate Product Placement!

Maybe the first of many to come, but when they have scenes in the kitchen of the new house, there is always a carton of Quaker Quick Oats. Plain as day, anyone who sees it knows what it is.

This being 1960, wonder if it was the first deliberate product placement in a big movie.


Also -- the Moving Van has a corporate logo ablazed on it. It's not the First movie to feature Product Placement. According to Wikipedia, it started in the silent era.


Count the number of times the baby says "Cokie-Cola". Tired-out ads in a movie.

"Don't eat the yellow snow or the daisies" --old proverb


I noticed the ever-present Quaker Oats as well, but I doubt this was the first example of product placement (if that's what it was).


Definitely product placement. Quaker had a promotional tie-in with the movie - giving away free movie tickets.


Also in the kitchen scene was a bottle of Lux Liquid, a soap popular in the 50-60's
