Top Ten Horror Films

1) Rosemary's Baby (1968)
2) Nosferatu (1922)
3) The Shining (1980)
4) The Omen (1976)
5) Don't Look Now (1973)
6) The Thing (1982)
7) The Evil Dead (1981)
8) Peeping Tom (1960)
9) Alien (1979)
10) Night of the Demon (1957)


Rosemarys Baby
The Evil Dead
Black Christmas
The Omen
Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Cat People


1: A Nightmare on Elm Street (84)
2: The Exorcist
3: Halloween (78)
4: Martyrs
5: Cannibal Holocaust
6: Inside
7: Black Christmas (74)
8: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (74)
9: Maniac (80)
10: Re-Animator/Dead Alive


yes, finally someone on here with real respect for Martyrs!!! such an amazing film. Have you seen the remake of Maniac? I'm usually against remakes but my gosh that film was great! why did you make 2 number 10s? that's not fair. it's horrible by the way that your list has so many films which have been remade that you had to put the year of the originals in parenthesis's for so many of them. it's a sign of the usually useless unnecessary, and stupid remake sh@# in the horror genre we've had to put up with increasingly since 2003. what do you think of all the unnecessary horror film remakes we've had to put up with?
