Those poor cattle.

There is an horrendous scene in this film where a herd of cattle is being driven down the main street of the town and, as they pass the general store, the store explodes in a huge ball of flame. The cattle leap up into the air in shock and one of them can be seen engulfed in flames across its back and is leaping up into the air. It must have been in agony. It all looks real because it is real. Real cattle, real explosion. I doubt very much if a film company would be allowed to inflict such suffering on live animals these days.


They wouldn't need live beasts now with cgi so no roast beef on the main drag.

Significance is the popsicle of a melting mind.


A good reason why there is the need for organisations such as American Humane Association Film & TV unit.

Its that man again!!



Those poor cattle.
My reaction exactly.

You gotta start off each day with a song ... even when things go wrong ....
