MovieChat Forums > The Magnificent Seven (1960) Discussion > An ode to male stubbornness. Is this a c...

An ode to male stubbornness. Is this a comedy?

Just had to go and kill everybody, even when unwanted and given the escape option. An ode to macho stubbornness. The death scenes were silly, When charles bronson died it was downright comical. And all the diva antics? Lol


Yeah, I know, those guys should really have taken that seminar about non-confrontational conflict solving, sitting on meditation pillows while passing talking feathers around. It's unfortunate these silly guys didn't know any better.

On top of that, a nice cup of lukewarm herbal tea accompanied by a vegan gluten-free sandwich, to cleanse their dosha and align their inner energy may have helped them see the light much earlier.

Jessica Rabbit
"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."


I saw this for the first time on late TV. Like many I was certainly familiar with the theme from the movie. I found it ridiculous and kept watching out of disbelief! Silly? Yes. Corny might be more appropriate. I do not understand why anyone found this film anything but a poorly written cliche and camp shoot em up Maybe a reunited Three Amigos should do a remake? I'm wondering why it has a reputation of worth. The actors must have been just wincing in their trailers wondering how they got roped into doing such a lame movie.


Yes, that's right. All those stars launching their legendary film careers in this movie, all those critics praising everything from the performances of the actors to the direction, the script and the score, the fact that it's one of the most-praised and most-watched movies ever made, but you, finally getting around to seeing this classic a mere 55 years after its release, have the astounding perceptivity to recognize that everybody else who ever saw the movie is just a big ol' silly, while you're the special clever devil who can see how facile it really is. Gosh, you sure do know a lot about film making. I bet everybody in the movie business comes to you for advice.


I suppose you went to the recent puerile space catoon soap opera by Disney and will tout its brilliance. Regarding your love for MS. the score is atrocious. It was only theme that worked. If you listen to various cues they are beyond corny. They sound like Ferde Grofe moonlighting but with a hangover.


Yeah these dumbasses were given an easy, merciful way out of a 100% lethal situation... and then the thankless idiots just walk right back into the thick of it again. Obviously, they weren't quite in full command of their mental faculties there.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
