Other killer plant movies

Does anyone know of any other movies with killer plants.
The only other killer plant movies I've found is The Day of the Triffids and a
couple of X-files episodes (and that awesome tremors episode Flora or Fauna).


Invasion of the Body Snatchers, well, they were alien plants that took people over. Pretty scary movie. I think there were also re-makes of it, the original was in the 60's, but the 1977-78 one is really good. (That's the one I'm thinking of)

Check it out! :)


"Creepshow" (1982) had a segment with a meteorite that brought plant-life that took over the world.
In "Angry Red Planet" (1960), Mars is inhabited by man-eating plants.



The Ruins is going to be a killer plant film. It is based on the novel.


Lets see. Man (and Woman) Eating Plant movies?
The Woman Eater: Women are mezmerized and fed to a plant.
Konga: Mad scientist grows a ape to super size, and also has a greenhouse of carnivore plants that eventually eat a girl.
Voodoo Island: Movie about an expecition to a isle packs with carnivore plants. A little girl is eaten amonst others.
Angry Red Planet: Female explorer is reeled in by martian plant, but saved.
At the Earths Core: Plant tries to eat Hero and an inhabitant of the inner world.
Lost Continent: A sargassom of killer vines cats one man and people are fed to its toothy center maw.
Lost in Space: Twice the female characters are eaten by plants, and saved of course.
Day of the Triffids: A natural disaster leaves the world blinded and awakens carnivorous plants. Also made into a TV series.
Please Dont Eat My Mother: Adult movie where a plant gobbles up scantily (or not at all) clad women.
Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman: One episode involves plants programmed to devoure women.
Doctor Who: One episode arc involves a carnivorous plant.
The Avengers: An episode deals with carnivorous plants.
Endless Descent: A huge plant/sea thing snatches up a man and woman.
Navy vs The Night Monsters: Carnivore trees are set loose on an island. One man is swallowed up.
Creep Show 2: Animated sequence. Boy grows giant plants and feed bullies too.
Addams Family: Morticia grows a carnivore plant that sometimes eyes visitors.
Godzilla vs Biolante: A monster plant tries to devour Godzilla.
Martian Mystery: Alien plant episode.
B.A.D: Bureau of Alien Detection: Carnivore plants run amoc and eat people.
Flash Gordon (movie): Flash is allmost eaten by a swamp plant.
Flash Gordon (animated) Flash, Thun, and Aura are allmost eaten by a plant monster.
Storm Hawks: One episode has a character accidentally tossed into the maw of a plant.
Ultra Q: A boy grows an alien plant that eats people.
Ultraman: EAn early episode has a rapidly growing carnivore plant.
Ultra 7: Final episode arc has one of the Ultraman beings eaten by a huge alien plant invader.
Jumanji: Has a carnivore plant that eats a car.
Batman And Robin: Poison Ivy grows a huge plant and eventually falls into it.
The Land Unknown: Arctic explorers are trapped in a pocket prehistoric world complete with carnivore plants.
Lost World (60s version): Has carnivore plants.
Man Eater of Hydra: Mad scientist feeds people to a vampiric tree.
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: Cave women and carnivore plants.
Creeping Unknown/Quartermass Xperiment: Alien growth infests an astronaut.
Evil Dead 1 & 2: Woman is raped and likely eaten by vines/plant/tree.
Tales of the Paralell Universe/Lexx: Carnivore plants pop up at least twice.
Poltergeist: Posessed tree tries to swallow boy alive.

And likely a bunch more!



Do the Killer Tomatoes movies count?



First thing I thought of.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I think the anthology film Asylum has a killer plant story.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


i think of tv episodes as well, the british 1960's series "the avengers", i think it's in the last season of black&white episodes, 1965 or 66, the episode title refers to plant eater if i remember right.

monster winter storm,
ground covered up with snow,
stacking food at home,
electricity any time may be gone,
children and a panda playing out in the snow,
sky as white as the ground below,
about everybody is having a ball,
i just wish you darlin were close,
in the monster winter storm.


i think of tv episodes as well, the british 1960's series "the avengers", i think it's in the last season of black&white episodes, 1965 or 66, the episode title refers to plant eater if i remember right.

"Man-Eater of Surrey Green" (first aired Dec. 1965)

Doctor Who the original/classic version had a 1976 serial called "The Seeds of Doom," which was roughly a cross between The Thing from Another World and The Day of the Triffids.

It was written by Robert Banks Stewart, who had also written for The Avengers. It would have been too convenient for him to have also written "Surrey Green," and he did not, although he knew the writer who did, Philip Levene, and at least on the DVD commentary for "Seeds" he acknowledges the coincidence. Both stories do feature a carnivorous plant that originates from outer space.

Trump is Putin's bitch.


2 others I've heard of that I didn't see in any of the other posts are The Crawlers, a direct-to-video movie about radioactive tree roots, and an early-'80s movie called Blood Beach. IIRC, the monster sucking people down into the sand in BB was revealed in the end to be a giant underground-dwelling plant.

EDIT: And wasn't there an episode of the old "Kolchak" TV show that had like a moss monster or a swamp monster or something in it?

The Falcon flies
