last house on the left

I heard that the horror film "last house on the left' is a remake of this film. I haven't seen this movie but for some reason i doubt it.


I wouldn't say it was a remake, but it's plot is based upon the story. Although I haven't seen this or LHOTL I would imagine that Bergman's version is no where near as gratitutsly violent or gory as either the 1970s version or the upcoming 2009 remake.

I find it interesting that a Bergamn film turned into one of the landmark 'push the envelope'/toruture films of modern time.



Yes, The Last House on the Left (1972) is a remake of Jungfrukallan. The new release of The Last House on the Left (2009) is a remake of the 1972 version. Neither of them are any comparison to the original. A very powerful movie.



I'm going to watch Jungfrukallan = The Virgin Spring. My university owns it. Too bad they don't own the original Last House on the Left. I will try to watch the new one this weekend.

"I'm dazed and confused and clueless too." -Me


Do yourself a favor and watch Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left." Also do yourself a favor and watch "The Virgin Spring." Also do yourself if a favor by, if you MUST watch the 2009 remake, not letting your disappointment cloud you out of watching the other two film versions of the story.

Proud member of SHREWS (Society for the Honor Required of Eyes Wide Shut)


It is. The Last House on the Left is just filmed in a modern setting and is bloody.


I'm presently watching The Virgin Spring and it is easily the best movie from all three. That being said, The Last House on The Left from 2009 IS a good movie, while the "original" by Wes Craven is probably the WORST horror movie I have seen, and certainly one of the worst movie I have ever seen period. The Virgin Spring is a harrowing and disturbing religious/spiritual drama with top-notch performances from the whole cast . The 2009 version of The Last House on The Left is a truly disturbing horror movie with genuine dramatic tension and very decent performances from all the actors. Both movies are actually worth seeing for me.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?


Anyone know if Bergman saw LHOTL and if so what he thought of it?


The Last House on the Left (1972) directed by Wes Craven was definitely inspired by Bergman's film The Virgin Spring. I've seen various interviews where Wes himself mentions how much it inspired Last House on the Left.

While nowhere near in film making standards better then Bergman's original, it's still actually a pretty good example of an early 70's exploitation revenge film. It's an acquired taste but I'd recommend it.

"No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough." - Roger Ebert


It might also be noted that both the 1972 version and the more recent version are very graphic when it comes to the abuse and rape of the girl(s). I did not like either movie but really liked The Virgin Spring.
