Capt. Anson Desirable ??

If I were MSN Tom Pugh in this film Id be wondering why in Gods name does the girl fall for the irresposible, hot-headed drunk rather than than a responsible professional soldier/mechanic. Anson gets one of the nurses killed due to a drunken turn of events when he tries to escape Jerry and then has a hissy-fit when the ambulance gets stuck on the sand drift (its Pugh that comes up with the idea to reverse the truck and crank it up the hill, as well as realising the true identity of the south african!). Yeah, yeah character building I know but not a great Army Captain in my view! Great film though - one of my favourites.


Agreed, but she wouldn't be the first woman to fall for such a man as Anson - some women just love a 'fixer-upper' man they can 'save'. Don't forget also that she's officer class - has two pips on her shoulder, whereas Pugh is only an NCO (note that he salutes her and addresses her as m'am when they meet) - so under King's Regulations she wouldn't be allowed to have a relationship with Pugh even if she wanted to.


In the book she does indeed fall for Tom Pugh despite his rank! Mills and Syms pairing up was just for the movies. Book is excellent and makes you wonder if author Christopher Landon had Anthony Quayle in mind when he wrote the book the year before the film was released.


thanks for the insight. makes more sense.

Mills did a great job. Good to see an actor playing bad without any winks or nods.


Care to clarify that? It borders on the non-sensical.

You can't hold a candle to Gulbenkian.


I think they mean "Good to SEE an actor playing bad without any winks or nods."

Most (especially Hollywood) stars would signal to the audience that their character is not so bad really as they can't stand the idea that the audience might not like their character and, by extension, them. Mills, admirably, doesn't do this. He plays it straight.


yes, well in the book she doesn't. She falls for the MSN1
