Fun For Old, And Young!

I find it funny a handful of user reviews and message board posts about this flick mention age as a factor when seeing this movie. As a "jaded" and obviously "drug addled" Gen-Xer I greatly enjoyed this B-Movie madness, mostly. The end routine with the mass audience hypnosis was a bit painful to sit through. I get the point of it, next time I'm fast forwarding through it, unless I'm with a gaggle of friends, that could be fun.

Yes, I can see how viewing this in the theater, at the time of release, would be much more effective at relaying the dangers of hypnosis! That being said, I think the effect is just as intense when watching this on a large screen TV, in the dark, with movie theater popcorn, and all. Though I caution that the hypnotic eye may cause seizures in this setting!

I am sure movies like this were all the much better in the good ol' days. I feel the same about movies from the late 80's and early 90's (please stop f*@king with my ninja turtles!), but I would not hesitate to recommend this to my older friends as well as younger friends and hope either could put themselves in the right frame of mind to enjoy this B-Movie fun as I have.

Age is just a number, baby.
