Just watched it

I can only say one thing. The actors spoke to loudly. And especially the actor Joe Mantell. He played Louis, the flight engineer. The third guy in the cockpit (with Efrem Zimbalest Jr, and John Kerr.

Every time he opened his mouth I wanted to cringe. And Patsy Kelly. She made me cringe too.

I wonder why they all over acted.


Right from the beginning it sounded to me like the film is dubbed. I suspect they filmed the scenes then later the actors, or perhaps even other people in some cases, added the dialogue. It was so obnoxious. Most of them sounded like they were just reading right from the script.

The daughter of Efrem's character, for instance, sounded like it wasn't even the right voice. Instead of a girl's voice it sounded like a women trying to sound like a girl. It was awful and it went on for most if not all the movie.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


It's been so long, I have to go and watch it again.
