
What kind of Indians were in the movie? They didn't look anything like Comanches to me.


I can't say for sure, but they probably hired the local Paiute's.


I was thinking the same when i watched this movie. They didnt look like Comanches to me either - they were more like Mohawks, and even the village wasnt the same as the Comanches in movies like 'The Searchers', 'Two Rode Together' or 'Comanche'..


Possibly Pawnee, or even Osage, depending on the film's setting.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


I have studied quite a bit about the Comanche since I was very intrigued with the " Cynthia Parker" story &. Yes I was very surprised when the supposed "Comache" were shown. Not at all as they are described in their history. Very disappointing ! They lived in lodges & the men grew their hair long while the women had shorter hair. The story of Cynthia is very intesting, although we don't truly kow much until she was returned in her adultedhood. And even then, there were differnt stories. I live inOklahoma (all my life) & grew up in Hominy, which is home to many Osage. Until I moved away in my teens did I ever hear a bad word about "Indains". It truly makes me ill knowing what I do from reading & from experience. We should all be ashamed for what our "government" did to them.
