My Thoughts

I don't think it was bad enough to be good camp. But I always enjoy watching cheesy "teens" rollicking in these movies -- the "kids" gathering 'round the guitar play, smiling and bopping their heads in time with the music -- the amazing, Olympic-quality jumping around -- wasn't there a girl posing in the air while someone held them up. However, I did enjoy Steve's rant at the end. First to think that in the 1950's they were just as worried as we are now that "this generation" is out of control and doomed. To listen to him rant about individual liberties and the right to support freedom of thought and expression etc. etc. TCM broadcast this movie as one that help break down the Studio Code. It aired with Baby Doll and a couple of others that I can't remember now. Funny to think that it was shocking in it's day.
