MST3K (need I say more?)

Let's quote the heck out of the MST version of this...

Liz: I'm goin' out...
Joel: ...ta church.
Liz: Maybe I'll be back... and maybe I won't.

Crow: Do I have ta guess? What do I get if I guess right... Oh... Can I eat yer dinner then?

^Lossehelindom's army of friendliness


"Quit wearin' my things."

As the fat guy loads up a delivery of groceries:
"Well, that should hold me til I get to the office, anyway."

"I'm the Ronald McDonald for this region."

"Hey, stop laughin' -- I'm tryin' to humiliate you!"

"MMMMMMMMMMM, breakfast beans!"

"Whatever... just shut up and finish your Kaboom."

Like Julia Child:
"First, bring the swamp to a rolling boil..."

***Don't help me paddle or anything, Ms. Deadweight!***


Lol, this is one of my favorite MST3K episodes... watched this one all the time, though it's been a while.

Fat Guy : I swear, I didn't kill them ...
- I ate em!

They made fun of that lady that kept on asking if anybody wanted coffee lol she always had some coffee with her

Cant remember any more although i know theres a bunch, I'll have to watch that episode again sometime.

- I remember the little clip of a movie they showed right b4 Giant leeches was hilarioius too, where the ppl travel to Atlantis or somethin...


The Atlantis short:

***Thank God they built this place like a jungle gym!***


I just watched this one for the first time last night. I loved the song "I'm a Danger to Myself and Others". That was hilarious. The short with "Crash" Cody was nearly unwatchable, though.

"Everybody in the pool!"

"Great, the leeches have a fort."

We've got movie sign!


"Gary Busey, ladies and gentlemen, Gary Busey.."



"People started paying for groceries with old cars and there was nothing we could do."

"No, I got a motorcycle in my pants. What do you think."

"We don't want hillbillies with good taste, we want hillbillies that taste good."

"Television is reality, and reality is less than television."


"I never should have married her cause I knew she loathed me."

"I'm intensely stupid."

I also LOVE the "We're a danger to ourselves and others" song.

I see the movie has finally thrown up its hands and said, "I just don't know.” – Tom Servo


"Why, if I wasn't so filled with beans right now...!!!!"


I kept expecting the sherrif to go "So I said *SPIDERS!!!* Har har har!"


Dave: I love ya, Liz baby...
Crow(I think): But I love groceries more.

The scene in which Liz's lover is pleading to Dave how he was wronged only to have Liz spit on him twice was a riot. I can't believe Best Brains didn't use that scene for the stinger.

Always be yourself, and wave your freak flag high. -TV's Frank


"Go soak your fat head."
"Okay, well, I'll just get a bucket and-- HEY!!"




These guys are agressively incompetent.

"What you don't realise is -"
I'm a jerk.

Do they seriously expect us to believe that guy could stalk ANYONE quietly?

Do you ever get the feeling you're in a Gary Larson cartoon?


"Maybe it has something to do with the rocket fuel you've been drinkin'."

"God, look at all the weed! Where are they? Tommy Chong's backyard?"


" Are you thinkin', what I'm thinkin' ????.....yeah....CREST!!!"


" He's a mess....a CHOCOLATE mess...."



I didn't think the line itself was particularly funny, but when crow blurts out, "I'm Skippy the Chimp!" you can hear Joel cracking up over it.

***Y'know... if we PRETEND we know what's going on, this is actually kind of exciting!***


(during one of the last shots of movie with detonator)

Servo (with sentimental feel): But for one lonely detonator...


I just watched it on Amazon Prime. Hilarious!

For my latest movie reviews and news:


Dave Walker, as he shoots at his wife and Cal just before driving them into the water:

"EVERY WEEKEND I have to do this!"


I despise MST3K !! they ruin these great old movies !!


Without MST3K you would of never seen these movies. Most of these were rotting away and degrading before them. And no one knew about them or remembered them. Till they made terrible movies watchable again.

So please don't ruin other people's fun with your crumogeonly attitude. This is a MST3kified movie and it always will. If you don't like other people having fun then "go soak your fat head".
