MovieChat Forums > Akibiyori Discussion > Equinox Flower / Late Autumn

Equinox Flower / Late Autumn

I saw Late Autumn after watching Equinox Flower and I noted a lot of similarities, not quite in the story itself but in other elements.

- The same office, corridor and waiting room of Shin Saburi's characters in both movies.
- Mamiya and Taguchi meeting in the bar called Luna, the same that was an important setting to EF. I think Yuriko's family diner was also preasent in EF.
- Miyuki Kawano playing Saburi's daughter in both movies.
- Keiji Sada playing again the guy the ellegible bachelorette falls for and eventually marries.

I know that Yasujiro Ozu liked to repeat several elements throughout his movies, but so far besides these two filmes, I've only seen Tokyo Story, so it's very likely that there are several elements from the other Ozu movies repeated in Late Autumn.


Ozu was such an interesting filmmaker. The similarities in story, actors, and locations makes watching several of his movies in a row almost surreal. I often think of his different scenes from his films and get confused as to which one I'm thinking of!

That said, he was a man who knew what he was good at and knew how to repeat success over and over again. It's impressive that his movies could all be so similar and yet so different in so many ways that they're all worth watching.
