MovieChat Forums > 13 Ghosts Discussion > illusion-o viewer help

illusion-o viewer help

i bought the dvd brand new but i didnt get a pair of illusion-o viewers. do the viewers come with the dvd?


The ghost viewer was included with the dvd I bought. It's really cool and the "see the ghosts/don't see 'em" effects still hold up. Try writing to Columbia/Tri Star Home Entertainment ( 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA, 90232-3195 ) Good luck !

I know YOU are but what am I ... Infinity !


I bought mine used, they didn't have them. I simply used the red lens of a pair of 3-d glasses. It works just the same. I hope this helps you.


I bought my DVD new and I didn't get glasses either. Isn't it just red celophane (sp?)


you could always find something clear... and color it with red marker.



isn't it like those things that were like, red magnifying glass like thing, and you would look at something that looked funny, put the red thing up to it, and could read it? because that would be really cool to use to see ghosts in a movie

I would challengee you to a battle of wits but it seems you are unarmed


I just bought a copy also, and likewise; no glasses. ?? hmmm. . .anybody have any idea why?


Back when the DVD first came out (in 2001) it included both versions of the film ("Illusion-O" and regular Black & White) on a double-sided disc, one "Illusion-O Ghost Viewer" and an order form where you could order extra viewers. Each extra viewer cost $2.95US (which included shipping), but according to that insert the offer supposedly ended on 12/31/02. Here's the address on the order form anyways, in case someone wants to try it.

Columbia Tri-Star Home Entertainment
PO Box 2900, 2633 Lincoln Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405

I also read on another message board that someone got a pair of free viewers mailed to them (in 2005) by emailing a customer service address they found at The most likely email address I found there is this:

For problems with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment products please email: [email protected]

I just emailed this address myself, and I am now waiting to see if they respond.


UPDATE: I just got an email back from that Sony address above which said that they no longer have any Illusion-O Viewers for distribution, so I doubt if that mailing address works any longer either. Bummer. I had to borrow my friend's DVD to get a copy of the "Illusion-O" version.


I have two pairs of red and green 3-D glasses that came with my Three Stooges collection. I held them so the red lens of each pair was in front of an eye, and it worked great.
