1-16 The Beauty Contest

Hail to Thee Miss Mayberry

Town council votes to have a beauty pageant and Andy is the judge.
Andy assumes Ellie nominated him so she could win.
She of course tells him how it really is.

People start bringing in their daughters for Andy to see.
Darlene walks in and gets a cup of sugar.
"The kitchen's right through door if that's what you're gropin for."
"That Darlene's knees aren't as puffy as they used to be."

Barbara Sue brings the peat moss carrying and umbrella.
Opie nominate Mary Wiggins. the prettiest girl in the first grade.
"Gee whiz, prettiest girl in town and nobody cares"

They are also putting on the Mayberry founder's day play.
Floyd plays John Mayberry.

At the end Andy crowns Miss Bishop the winner.
She's the lady who helped with the pageant.

My favorite parts.
Floyd's slogan for the program " Best clip joint in town"
The women parading around for Andy
Floyd had some funny parts in this episode. Including singing the song.

Josie Lloyd made her second appearance.
The first time she was Juanita Pike, in this episode she was Josephine Pike.

I'd give this episode a middle of the pack rating.


Both episodes are too early, god. Andy is too corn pone. Too country bumpkinish. Thank Christ, he realized it & didn't brazen it out in the AG sop tact. He got a hold of himself & looked in the mirror---trusted himself, reset the role & polished it. And he never looked back.

Barney isn't settled yet, hasn't found his sweet spot. It will arrive, yes, & when it does, it is so pure that it will stand the test of the centuries, of the ages, but, it is not here, not yet.

The quality work that AG had laid down in motion pictures prior to these awkward baby steps here is what persuaded, what mandated (CBS) to leave the rug in place and not to pull it out from under AG.


You can already see a slight change in Andy compared to the earlier episodes.

New series still finding it's way at the time.
Once they found the right mix it became pure gold.
