MovieChat Forums > The Andy Griffith Show (1960) Discussion > Would Andy vote for Trump or Hilary?

Would Andy vote for Trump or Hilary?

I wonder?


Trump. It was a dark day in Mayberry when Ellie ran for office. Barney would vote for Hilary, because, his girlfriend would have calling him cream puff.


Honestly I see it the other way around....Barney for Trump and Andy for Hillary. I think Barn was a little bit more chauvinist than Andy. I don't think Andy would particulary like Trump, see he might not vote for either. I could see Barn admiring Trump's childish, spoiled bratty school boy mentality.


I still think Trump, because seeing how Andy behaved when Ellie wanted to run for council, he acted like women need to stay in their place and leave the politics to the men, and that is why they are called councilMEN It wasn't until later on, he couldn't think of any reason why not to vote for her, except she was a woman, but then he conceded and Ellie ran. But we have no idea that he voted for her, just that he helped her get more of the men to consider voting for her.


In real life both him and Ron Howard campaigned for Obama. So you never know. Since Andy Taylor is so middle of the road my guess would be independent

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


Andy would do neither. He would write in the name, Leonard Blush.

Never make friends with the devil brother, his pitchfork will get you in the end.


Hillary. He admitted he was wrong for being against Ellie simply because she's female. And that was over fifty years ago. Barney would more likely be for Trump. Yet Barney would rather not discuss who he'd vote for, but, if they did and Barney got upset, he would later see the error of that and neither would hold who they vote for against each other.


Andy was opposed to Ellie and he supported Howard over Aunt Bee for the city council. The whole idea seems silly but Andy and Barn would probably vote Trump simply b/c of him being a man.


Since Andy was a liberal democrat in real life, I imagine it would be for Hilary
as for Sheriff Taylor, he sounds like a Trump guy.



At the start of many episodes, Andy is often on the wrong side of the issue. He takes the hard-line position because that's just the way people do things around here. But, by the end of the episode, he's learned that following the crowd just aint the right way.

So, he'd start the episode as a fervent Trump supporter, like everyone in the little redneck town. Then, he'd actually listen to Trump and by the end he'd vote for ANYONE else. And, that would be Hillary.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I see. Thank you for that well thought out response. So you're saying, Andy would eventually come to his senses about trump and see him for the bum that he is.



And, the final tally for the Mayberry district would be Trump-405 and Hillary-2. Even dear old Aunt Bea would vote for Trump because, you know, North Carolina. And then Trump would cut Aunt Bea's social security and Goober's food stamps and the town would dry up and blow away.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
