MovieChat Forums > À bout de souffle (1961) Discussion > Makes me want to puke. Le dernier mot.

Makes me want to puke. Le dernier mot.

Odd way to end the movie, no? What was the significance of Jean Seberg's unfamiliarity with the word dégueuler (to puke)? Is it some sort of idiomatic expression? I think not, but rather he just says it off the cuff. Of course I understand the significance of her being insulted by the mistaken misinterpreted meaning of disgust on his part, when it wasn't her he was disgusted by. It just seems a bit ovverblown without much signicance at all. But that's part of the hip tenor of the film. It's nutty and very colloquial.


i don't think it's a huge revelation. most of the FNW touches in the early nouvelle vague films weren't asserting themselves as huge challenges of cinema, but more as small, interesting stylistic choices, patricia's confusion at the end being one of them.

have a nice day
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Well put.
