A truelly underated film

I saw this movie about 7 years ago when strolling through a small video store i found it sitting on the bottom shelf of the nostalgia section, figuring that anything with Paul Newman in it had to be at least decent, It has ended up being one of my all time favorite films, to the point that i rented it about 30 - 35 times in a year period until the store closed down and i was unable to find it again. its Sad that such great films like this don't get the recognition they deserve whilst new films that have no artistic integrity are everywhere



I enjoyed it. Great performances by all, especially Alexis Smith. She was on-screen for about 15 minutes, but what a memorable performance. Her final scene with Paul Newman was outstanding (and sexy).

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."


I thought this movie was better than I expected. I was almost convinced that Paul Newman was a lawyer in real life lol. And I too liked his scene with Alexis Smith when they were in his bedroom? Exxtremely sexy scene. It always helps to see Paul Newman with his shirt off and those wicked abs. Ok, I'm sounding vain now lol. Paul did an incredible job and I think that alot more people should watch this movie and his performance. Totally underrated.


Yes, that pairing was extremely sexy. But he should have nailed her...that would have been even sexier.


I agree. Outstanding film. I gave it 10/10. I don't know why it wasn't more popular. I don't know anyone who remembers it.


Excellent Film. Just watched it for the first time and was totally absorbed from start to finish.


And don't forget Robert Vaughn -- he received an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actor and got his career jump-started (a year after playing the title character in Roger Corman's "Teenage Caveman"). Agree with all the posts about the gorgeous Alexis Smith, always underrated and always terrific...her last film until 1972!

Great music by Ernest Gold, direction by the late Vincent Sherman (1906-2006).

I wish WHV had released this as a single and not just as part of a seven-disc Newman set (not all the titles are gems). Perhaps, someday....

But watch the scene where Tony (Newman) is on the phone with his boss when Mrs. Allen (Billie Burke) comes to his office to have her will redrawn to take care of her dog Carlos. At first, when the dog climbs over to Newman, he gently but slightly irritably pushes it away while he's trying to get the information. But when his boss calls to tell him he's got a multi-millionairess opposite him, Newman suddenly picks up the dog, starts talking to it in "baby talk", and even kisses it, saying, "Oh, yes, him is so sweet, him is such a good doggie!" My favorite scene, and what a terrific bit of business by Paul, one of the great actors.

But I am always amused by the idea that everybody in this picture who stands in the way of Tony's future conveniently dies, gets sick, misspeaks, loses jobs, is crippled, you name it, it happens to them, all for the greater good of Anthony Lawrence's advancement -- while he gets through with nary a scratch! Just love it.


I agree with everyone here; this has been one of my faves since I first found it in a Blockbuster in `85. A similar Newman flick from that era is "From the Terrace."


I wish WHV had released this as a single and not just as part of a seven-disc Newman set (not all the titles are gems). Perhaps, someday....

I just wanted to point out that on amazon some of the other sellers (new and used link) will sell this one DVD alone, saving you from having to buy the whole set. Don't laugh, but I bought the whole set and then lost this movie!!! (this movie was really the only reason I bought the set in the first place.) I was able to buy just the one copy of this movie. Then, later, when moving, I found the original one, fallen behind a bookcase! doh!!


Guess that's why they call it a "slipcase".

Great story!



He was absolutlely outstanding in this film hopefully WHV releases a 50th anniversary Commerotive edition in the near future as I wish they would for from the terrace next year
"You know where I was? Taking a bath in champagne" Mimi from A New Kind Of Love


I absolutely agree. I loved this film. It should be regarded way higher in my opinion.

My vote history: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=37438482


I firmly agree with all the praise for this film. Very strong acting and writing here, and so much intrigue. This is one of Paul Newman's best, and there's not a false note among anyone else in the cast. Love this film! 9/10 stars (I'm very selective with my 10s).


I completely agree. Just saw it for the first time last night. I had always thought that Paul Newman was overrated. Lately, through three boxed sets and single DVD releases, I had picked up about 35 of his films, and have been slowly going through them. This, Somebody Up There Likes Me and The Hustler have really impressed me so far. This was a solid 9/10.
