a beautiful film ...

I am just wondering if anyone else found this film to be beautiful. I remember the first time I watched it I was expecting to see a horrific scare fest, and ended up being touched by the story… not to say that some scenes were not a bit difficult to watch, and the music at the beginning-in the car- was a bit creepy… but the concept, the way it played out and the emotion in the characters left me feeling more solemn than scared… how did it make you feel when you watched it? I would love to know if I am the only one who perceived it this way.


It works so well because it isn't a horrific scare fest. It involves good people doing horrible things from altruistic motives so it's impossible to identify unequivocally with any character or approve of them.


Yes, I think it's a beautiful and touching film too, especially the ending. And Christiane wandering around in her mask and gowns ... very strange and sad.


I completely agree that the ending is wonderful! But its the full progression of the film, from the creepy car music at the opening- to Christianes mysterious movements at the end, and all interactions in between...that grabbed me. It is one of the few movies that I really find no flaws in. I'm really glad I am not the only one who feels this way. Thank you for your input.


Christiane releasing the dogs and birds in her gown and mask is just...stunning.



I also found this movie beautiful and very touching. Christiane is one of the most beautiful screen heroines ever.


I just saw it and it´s a terrific story. Great movie with scary moments.



Yes, I thought it was beautiful as well. The ending left me speechless for a couple of minutes with water welling up in my eyes. Not too many movies have that effect on me.

Calling this a horror movie or a thriller doesn't do it justice. It's just a good movie, period. One of a kind, really. It's one of those rare movies where everything was just perfect, like a recipe in which the ingredients were added in exactly the right proportions, producing something exceptional.

The film never, ever, went over the top, and it was interesting to see, in this age where most movies come off like 2 hour long MTV videos, how restrained the use of music was.

I loved the visual poetry at the end of the woman dressed in white releasing the caged white birds (doves?) into the forest. She was herself a caged bird.


It was very pretty. Such poetic justice and imagery towards the end.


This is one of those movies, that works because it doesnt show you everything.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


"I also found this movie beautiful and very touching. Christiane is one of the most beautiful screen heroines ever."

Yeah, I thought that on looks alone casting Edith Scob as Christiane was brilliant...she has an otherworldy quality to her face. Of course she did a wonderful job within the role as well; loved how she had a faraway look in her eyes. Added to the sadness of the entire situation.

The first time we actually see her "face" I was moved to think of a great artist's rendering of a beautiful woman's face. Great looking film, loved it. As others have noted, the final scene is almost beyond words.

"The things I do for love..." Jaime Lannister
