Film of a similar theme

Does anyone know of a film in which a plane lands somewhere in the States & the passengers find themselves wandering around a deserted city? It was probably made in the 80's or 90's & in the U.S.A. I'm trying to find out for someone who only has that info!


The only film that brought to mind is:
The Langoliers (1995 TV miniseries)
aka Stephen King's The Langoliers
IMDb synopsis:
Most of the passengers on an airplane disappear, and the remainder land the plane in a mysteriously barren airport. On a red eye flight to Boston from LA, 10 people wake up to a shock: All the passengers and crew have vanished. When they try to contact the ground, they make no connections. They land the plane only to discover that things haven't changed. But, it's like the world is dead. No one is there, the air is still, sound doesn't echo, and the food is tasteless. A distant sound is heard coming closer. A race of monstrous beings bent on their destruction is heading for them, eating everything in sight.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Many thanks, that could be it! I'll tell my friend.


Best of luck! I hope this is the solution.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Sadly it wasn't so I keep the question open.


There was a 1985 New Zealand sci-fi film called The Quiet Earth That was almost identical to this one. I saw it in an art house theatre 28 years ago and it still is vivid in my mind.


Was it a TV series? I'm going to try to insert a link The New People


In "The New People", they crash on an island, don't they? It had to be influential on "Lost", with perhaps "Danger Island" as an even stronger source to copy.

I've been trying to think of other possibilities but haven't come up with anything else.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


There was a 1974 TV movie with the apt title "Where Have All the People Gone". The plot centered on a solar flair that reduced most of the human population to dust and. The exception were a few people like the family in the film with a genetic trait making them resistant to the solar radiation. A few bad guys also survived to give the family trouble.

There was of course the post apocalyptic satire "The Night of the Comet" with much the same theme.

TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.
