Dorothy Malone

I've always loved Dorothy Malone and felt she never got her due as an actress. That's my two cents.


I totally agree, a beautiful actress.


Dorothy Malone had a very fine career and is especially memorable in Douglas Sirk's "Written on the Wind," and "The Tarnished Angels." She also quite good as the apparently mousy librarian in Hawks's "The Big Sleep."


Dorothy Malone really holds her own in Warlock. She is in a movie with two great actors ( Fonda and Quinn), and a near great ( Widmark), and you see the depth that she brings to Lilly. Lilly could have been a simple love interest ( like Delores Michaels ( Jessie)), or a manipulator who uses Johnny Gannon ( Widmark) to get Blaisdell ( Fonda), but instead is the person who helps heal Gannon ( she was non judgmental when he explained about killing 37 Mexicans in an ambush). By being there for Gannon, she healed herself as well. A great performance.
