That creepy old doctor!

That scene is so disturbing on so many levels. I'm sure that was the point, but it was just so inappropriate, even though the 50s was clearly a different time. I hated how he started to unbutton Molly's blouse all the while she pleaded, "Oh please, no I want my father! I haven't done anything wrong!" Her evil mother insisting that she be examined, showing no regard for her daughter's feelings. Horrible!

And knowing what Sandra Dee experienced in her own life with a controlling stage mother and a stepfather who subjected her to years of sexual abuse - makes it even harder to watch.


That scene (and the gorgeous movie theme) was all that really stuck with me after watching this movie. Such a terrifying moment.

"Seahawks-38, Patriots- 0"- AH_Fan


It was terrifying...and all because her perverted mother couldn't respect her and leave her alone.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.
