
which operation did katherine hepburn want performed on her daughter?


she wanted her to get a liver transplant because hers was almost nn-operational, but she needed to doctor to find a liver for her ... put her to the top of the list


She wanted her daughter to have a lobotomy.


she wanted her to have a lobotomy so she wouldn't remember her cousin Sebastian's lifestyle, which involved having sex with older boys.

"If a king can't sing, it ain't worth being king."



It wasn't her daughter, and she wanted her to have a lobotamy preformed on her so she would stop discracing her son.

I watched a snail crawl along a straight razor
mmmmmm beer


It was her niece, not her daughter, and she wanted to have a lobotomy performed on her niece.


Mrs. Violet Venable wanted the lobotomy performed on her niece Catherine Holly for two main reasons.

1) So Catherine couldn't tell the truth anymore of what happened to her son because of his interest in men or boys

2) Mrs. Venable was jealous and upset of being replaced on her son's last trip abroad. In her twisted mind, she and her son were a team that didn't need anyone else. The fact her son invited his cousin on the trip showed the lie of that statement.

Basically, Mrs. Venable wanted to control everything regarding her son, even the reality of how he died.

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.


What is confusing about this? Catherine said the name of the operation when her mother and brother came to see her in the hospital. One of the Kennedy daughters had a lobotomy when she was young and she was never able to care for herself again. A lobotomy was dangerous because medical science had not advanced enough for doctors to realize how devastating the surgery was and what damage was done to the brain during the surgery.


I read that Tennessee Williams' own sister also had a lobotomy performed. He definitely used a lot of his own history in this story.
