MovieChat Forums > Suddenly, Last Summer Discussion > Question rearding the end..

Question rearding the end..

In the end, when we find out how and why Sebastian was killed... I didn't really get why the ppl who killed him made such a 'ritual' like feel out of it... Any idea anyone? What was up with the marching and the drums... etc??


yea, the ending was dull and unrealistic. There was a scene during the chase when he was surrounded by them, he threw all his money on the ground, and they didn;t even look, were not interested at all in his money. And when he was at the restaurant, they were begging him for food? Doesnt make sense at all! Actually the ending was Cathrine's version, and we know she was crazy so it might have been one of her hallucination, simply not true, dreamed out.
Liz Tylor spoiled the ending of this film.


The whole point was: They were begging for food and sebastian stuck his nose in the air at them because he was bored with them and had used them therefore wanted to move on and leave the town. However when he really was in trouble when they were chasing him up the hill he thought money could solve all his problems as it had done in the past therefore he threw money at them, but they were not interested in his money they wanted revenge.


I interpreted the resolve much the same as jojo16 and in addition that catherine wasn't at all crazy, just traumatized and in shock. I thought her recounting of the story was her path to accepting the truths of the horror of sabastian's death and her family dynamic, etc.


Actually, the point was that Catherine was not crazy. She had seen something real, and while her recollections might be confused by the intense heat and the bizarre events, what she saw and reported was essentially what happened. Sebastian was living a double life and she'd seen into the twisted, disgusting center of it -- she'd seen who he really was.



The host of TCM gave me the impression the tribe was a bunch of cannibals who were looking for a sacrifice and that's why they ate him.

Buffy: Broke your arm.
Adam: Got another.


The host of TCM can sometimes be very off the track.

Speaking of which, I miss Bob Dorian.


To amp up the melodrama, I suspect.


I assumed Sebastian was gay, but seeing all those very young boys, was he a pedophile ????



he was gay? that's what i thought...i think that was what the mother was trying to hide...some of the boys were young but the ones on the beach looked old enough i guess....but why would they eat him? that i didn't get...



The guy who said it was unrealistic was wrong. It was surrealistic.

I'm here, Mr. Man, I can not tell no lie and I'll be right here 'till the day I die


That's what I'm thinking, too. I noticed that the men seem to range in age from little boys to adults. I think it was an act of revenge b/c he was doing things that the story doesn't tell us. I wonder if Williams got a hold of the book by the Marquis de Sade, 120 Days of Sodom. In it, Sade talks about doing horrible things to little boys and teenagers.


To amp up the melodrama, I suspect.
Yes, the music and such was a bit of dramatic license on Tennessee William's part, to prolong and heighten the drama and make the audience wait, and also to let the audience know there was a definite intention behind their following and hounding him.

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