Sorry Liz Fans........

But that "amazing" ending got on my last nerve. I thought it was horribly over-acted and was just hoping it would be over soon.



Here, Here

its obvious that you wouldnt know what acting was if it came and bit you on the backside.

You seem to slander alot of scene's from different films from your other comments, thus you don't see what your suppose to.


I watched this last night for the first time and kind of felt the same way, but I was thinking that maybe watching Katherine Hepburn during the first 30 minutes (and really any time she was on screen)tear apart the scenery kind of made everyone else pale in comparison. Hepburns acting in this film was some of the best Ive ever seen in my 33 years. I just dont think Elizabeth Taylor was quite up to her level in this film and that may be why it seemed like her acting wasnt that great. Even though it was actually fairly good...

Alcoholics Don't Freeze, They Chill



i hafta agree, i thought elizabeth taylor's performance in this movie was great. how else do you behave when you are silenced in a loony bin, or watch a relative get cannibalized in front of your eyes???


Also agree, the performance was COMPLETELY in line with the demands of the role.
This film is perfect, one of the top100 ever!


Give me a break! When a person goes crazy they do not sit back in the chair, drink a cup of tea and have a little tear come down the face. They go CRAZY and become maniacal! I think she did a great job because if I saw what she saw I probably would do the same thing. I, Personally, do not believe that going crazy can be OVER-acted. The more crazy you are then the BETTER you are doing in portraying that individual in a movie or a play.


I believe there are a whole bunch of different kinds of crazy. When you snap it might not always be maniacal, it could be quiet and internalized.
I think her obsession with her son, unhealthy obsession, helped push her over th edge by hearing the whole story of what happend to her son. She snapped quiety.

~*We were born to love one another*~


I agree with you completely. I saw this on TV and the last part of the film I had to turn down the volume because the way she cried was annoying and it didn't seem real.... bad bad bad


All you Liz haters, just remember, Liz got an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for this movie. 'Nuff said!



I'll agree that the last 5 minutes or so of this film are difficult to watch. That scream of Liz's is positively bloodcurdling. If this were done today, the action would just be shown. Not shown simultaneously with the monologue.
