lame, lame movie

I just rewatched this day before yesterday back to back with The Absent Minded Professor and Son of Flubber and it really suffers by comparison. Lame humor, lame plot (the Fred MacMurray character believes his son's wild story about the spies just because he seems to have turned into a dog?), lame theme song.
The Absent-Minded Professor by the same screenwriter was a big improvement which unlike TSD lived up to my fond memories of it.


Nobody cares that you prefer the Absent Minded Professor.

This is a fun movie for people who DON'T take everything seriously.


I care.

So, to sum it up in legal terminology: Get lost, you bum.


I am watching this on AMC right now, and the museum scene, where Tommy Kirk's friends ditch him, it sounds like there is an overdub when he calls out the girls name. Anyone else notice this?


It's on TCM. Sorry didn't notice the overdub- too busy watching Franceska!

So, to sum it up in legal terminology: Get lost, you bum.


It's a good movie imo, i like old movies, along with the 1976 one.


I care too.
