MovieChat Forums > Shadows (1960) Discussion > The caption at the end?

The caption at the end?

Hi everyone.

I'm a big fan of the movie, I watched it a while ago though.
I remeber theres a caption at the end of the movie, about how the movie improvised.

I was wondering if anyone can please write it here, word for word, what it said.



I don't have the DVD with me right now, but I'm pretty sure it was:

The film you have just seen was an improvisation


...which apparently (and very ironically), was not the case.


According to the write-up in "1001 movies you must see before you die", the line is mainmost a marketing device and not actual fact. Lelia Goldani, in interviews mentions that a few scenes, such as the bedroom scene (about the "first time"), the dance and a few other scenes were in fact scripted in the traditional sense. She is candid in saying that she wouldn't have had the courage to say sex was "horrible" had it not been scripted.


The film was isnipred by an imporvisational scene which took place at an acting workshop sposored by Cassavetes. The entirety of the film was scripted; although I'm sure he left room in this film, as he did in every one of his films, for actor freedom and imporovisation. The film was also looked over by a hollywood screenwrite, who's name I cannnot recall right now, who doctored the script and added a few scenes. That is in the second version of the film at least. Interesting topic.
These are my guns, Sir. -The Salton Sea


as my teacher said "the script isn't improvised, but the emotions are."


In my native Hungary there was a famous art film movement in the 1970s called "Budapest school" or "documentarism". They shot films in two-three days with semi-amateur equipment, on real locations, with non-professional actors and without a written screenplay. (Béla Tarr began his career in this movement.) When I first saw "Shadows" it felt like one of those films. It's filmmaking progress was somewhat similar. But yes, as someone said before me, Cassavetes scripted this film, at least most of it.

"A voice from behind me reminds me. Spread out your wings you are an angel."

