MovieChat Forums > Shadows (1960) Discussion > What kind of ending was that??

What kind of ending was that??

There was no conclusion to this film, was there? the main plot of Lelia and Tony went totally unresolved, plus what happened to the other guy who took her out dancing?

I think it was unfair to end the film so abruptly and with no clear resolution.


It's like a peepshow and you run out of coins...


Stories and plots are little religions- a way of giving what is essentially a chaotic and unplanned world a false sense of clarity and interconnectedness. However, Cassavetes was one of those filmmakers who was aware of this fact; and instead of making movies with three clear acts and constantly twisting plots, he concentrated on issues and human emotions. It's no wonder you felt gypped walking out, but maybe it might be better to question what it is in you that requires movies to be fully resolved by the end? Life has NO resolution, and life was what interested Cassavetes, not just stories.

And anyway, I thought the ending of Ben loping across the boardwalk was pretty satisfying in a moody kind of way.
