Really mediocre

Especially by Tarkovsky standards. It was a film-school movie that was made so people involved could get down the technique of filmmaking. It's kind of interesting to see, but... it's a chore.


Agreed. Shame because its Tarkovsky, but 45 minutes feels longer in this compared to his other films which are more than twice as long but are intriguing and captivating watches.

Assuming Direct Control


Yeah, there wasn't any "Tarkovsky standard" meant to be (and consequently involved).

Those who study Tarkovsky may find some roots ot sth, idk.

But! I did not NOT enjoy it in a way, gotta admit.


This was co-directed by he and another filmmaker. The other filmmaker's name appears first under the director credit here at IMDB which usually means the other filmmaker did more of the direction. Don't forget that they started their careers at the height of the cold war, where Soviet Authorities had total censorship and editing control of an artist's work, whichs explain why many Soviet films are choppy and disjointed and propagandist. Tarkovsky's best work occurred after he defected to the West, where he was allowed total control over his own work.
