similar films

After I saw this film, I was struck by the similarities between it and Billy Wilder's "Ace in the Hole" (1951). Although the settings are entirely different, the protagonists and plots are similar. Both Laurence Harvey in this film and Kirk Douglas in "Ace in the Hole" play men of low status who have an excessive ambition for money, success, power, and sex. In the course of their films, they try to manipulate people and circumstances around them to get what they want. For a while they succeed, but in the end they get more than they bargained for.


I see simillarities with "Darling".


The plot and his main themes (class relations, individual aspects, sacrificed feelings over economical and social establishement) are very simiar to Woody's Allen "Match Point".
Also, the main character, Joe Lampton, reminds me in various aspects of Daniel Plainview, and maybe even Charles Kane.

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.


reminds me of The Bad and the Beautiful


I too see similarities with Schlesinger's 'Darling'. I also think 'A Place in the Sun' shares many similarities with 'Room at the Top'.


As far as the attractive leading man falling in love with a totally unsuitable older woman (when there are scores of young 'suitable' women around for the taking) - "White Palace" with James Spader and Susan Sarandon. Excellent movie, upper class yuppie spurns a gaggle of Jewish princesses for a low-class slattern.


Somewhat similar look and feel and storyline to "From the Terrace" from 1960, a vastly underrated and unappreciated film starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, but with an opposite ending.


Saturday Night And Sunday Morning


A Place in the Sun (1951)
Match Point (2005)


As some other posters already pointed out, A Place in the Sun... which I think is even better than Room at The Top. There sure seems to be some influence story wise.


The plot is reworked from Stendhal's "The Red and the Black" and Dreiser's "An American Tragedy" (which was made into the movie "A Place in the Sun").

But the photography and direction are very reminiscent of Jack Clayton's own "Sons and Lovers," and that's the movie that "Room at the Top" most reminds me of.
