What The 400 Blows told me

Spoilers) Watched it last night for the first time.

As with most Criterion movies, as soon as the movie ended I wasnt not sure how to take it in or how i felt about what I just watched.

After sleeping on it & doing some thinking I came away with a 'conclusion'.

Antoine was escaping from his home/parents, from his school, & finally from the observation camp. He was running away from everything & all his problems. His escapism finally led him to the ocean(which he had never seen before). But at this moment he understood that he could only run towards the ocean (away from his problems) for so long before he had to turn back. you cant totally escape your life or the problems that come with it, But you can always find beauty & escapism when you need it (the ocean, etc).

As we all know the ocean is is always a major destination for anyone who feels like escaping their lives for awhile.
